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Treatment Tips

Maximize Your Skin Care Results

From BOTOX® injections to vein removal, Juvéderm® and facial fillers to skin tightening, Kingsway Dermatology and Cosmetic Centre offers a range of services designed to give you beautiful, healthy skin.

We have a few simple treatment tips designed to make your visit with us run smoothly, to reduce the risk of bruising, and to ensure the days after your session are as beneficial as possible and to help maximize your results.

General Treatment Tips

  • Avoid smoking and nicotine products in the days and weeks before and after a treatment. They can dry out the skin and hinder your healing and recovery, leading to less-than-optimal results. Healthy, well-oxygenated blood flow will help to maximize the effects of skin care treatments.
  • In general, avoid drinking alcohol for 24 hours before or after a treatment.
  • Be sure to ask any questions you may have about specific treatments, results, side effects, or other things to watch for both before and after your session.

Laser and Light Treatment Tips

  • If you have a history of cold sores, please advise us before treatment. Cold sores are common and we are pleased to provide you with special pre-care instructions to help you get the most from your treatment.
  • Avoid sun exposure or any tanning for four to six weeks prior to your visit as skin pigmentation can impact the efficacy of many laser and light treatments. Wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher, even on cloudy days.
  • Sun protection is still a high priority after your treatment. Your skin will be more sensitive and you want to preserve the benefits of the treatment. Apply sunscreen frequently, with the first application 20 minutes before heading outside, a new application just before departing, then reapplications every two hours or more frequently if water or sweat washes it off.
  • Light-based treatments can cause skin to be red and tender after the session, similar to a sunburn. Don’t worry; this side effect should fade within a few days.
  • Photorejuvenation may cause swelling. For your comfort, apply cold compresses for 10 minutes, once an hour. If small pimples form, they should resolve on their own in a matter of weeks.
  • Photofacial patients should avoid significant heat for two days after your treatment. This includes heat generated by strenuous exercise or from entering a sauna or hot tub.
  • Use non-irritating and non-clogging skin care products for the first week. Avoid scrubs, toners, bleaching creams and similar products until the skin has healed completely. Our team is pleased to recommend products appropriate for you.
  • Fractional resurfacing may result in peeling skin, the crusting over of dark spots and the possible formation of a grid-like pattern on the skin. Don’t be alarmed. All of this is normal and will resolve itself.

BOTOX® Treatments and Other Injection Treatment Tips

  • As with other cosmetic treatments, avoid excessive sun and heat in the days after an injection, especially until any swelling or redness clears.
  • Wear sunscreen of an appropriate SPF.
  • Note that a stinging sensation lasting 10 to 15 minutes at the injection site, some swelling, tenderness, and skin redness are rare, but possible side effects will resolve on their own within a short time.

Prior to receiving BOTOX® injections:

Discontinue any of the following medications and foods for two weeks prior

  • Ibuprofen
  • St. John’s Wort
  • Flaxseed oil, fish oil (anything with omega 3 fatty acids)
  • Vitamin E
  • Ginger
  • Gingko biloba
  • Ginseng
  • Red wine
  • Aspirin should be avoided, unless its use is directed by a doctor. Any discontinuation should be approved by the prescribing physician

Prior to receiving dermal fillers:

Avoid the following for two weeks prior to treatment

  • Flax seed oil, fish oil
  • Aspirin should be avoided, unless its use is directed by a doctor. Any discontinuation should be approved by the prescribing physician
  • Pain relievers (except for Tylenol)
  • Coumadin
  • Glucosamine
  • Gingko biloba
  • Vitamin E
  • Exotic or herbal supplements

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